Change the world from your living room
This is going to be a slightly different blog post. There are always loads of really important campaigns going on; but a few particularly stand out today as ways we can all make a significant impact from the comfort of our own living rooms.
So here we go….
Tell Canada to stand up for human rights in Burma
Today is the 22nd anniversary of the 8/8/88 massacre, when thousands of Burmese pro-democracy demonstrators were brutally slaughtered on streets and campuses across the country. Since then things have only got worse for the people of Burma, with genocide, oppression and starvation all parts of daily life. The Burma Campaign UK are running an excellent campaign to bring the military dictatorship to trial for crimes against humanity. This has been backed by numerous states including the UK, Czech Republic and Australia – yet bizarrely Canada, a state with a long and rich history of contributing to peace keeping and humanitarian missions, has remained silent. By clicking here you can send an e-mail calling on the Canadian government to step up to the plate and back the campaign.
Help stop stoning forever
The international outcry surrounding the proposed stoning of Iranian citizen Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani for her alleged adultery, led to its temporary postponement. However, she remains incarcerated and may still be
hanged, or even stoned, within days. Avaaz is running an urgent campaign to pressure the leaders of Brazil and Turkey (two of Iran’s key allies) to do all they can to secure her release and stop stoning forever. By taking out high-profile newspaper advertisements in both countries they hope to make a real impact – and you can support it by donating here. If you can’t afford to spare the cash you can send an e-mail to the Iranian government through Amnesty International’s site.
Donate to the DEC Pakistan Appeal
The Disasters Emergency Committee, an umbrella group of thirteen of the UK’s largest aid agencies, has been one of the most effective providers of urgent humanitarian aid following disasters from Burma, to Haiti, to the Congo. Their latest appeal is raising funds for relief in Pakistan, where over two million people have been affected by this week's devastating floods and now face challenges from food shortages to cholera. You can donate instantly by clicking here.
It only takes five minutes to change the world.
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